A new Forbes India study released on January 10th of this year places Guyana ninth in terms of GDP per capita. Guyana now sits barely ahead of Denmark, which came in at number eleven, and the United States of America, which came in at number ten.
Singapore and Luxembourg came in first and second on the list, respectively. It is a very inspiring and humble metric, particularly when one considers Guyana’s past and the challenges we have encountered since gaining independence.
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As oil exports rise, Guyana’s GDP per capita is predicted to climb dramatically in 2024, surpassing USD 20,000 by the end of 2023. Assuming nothing unexpected happens, Guyana’s economy will continue to grow at the quickest rate in the world until 2024. In 2019, Guyana’s GDP per capita was only around USD 6,500 before the country’s oil production.
If the country continues its current course, the rising oil economy is predicted to surpass the GDP per capita of the United States, which now stands at about 75,000 USD, by 2030.
Guyana has achieved this level of growing wealth and success by overcoming an extremely challenging embargo. The chance to return to the tranquil life present before challenging times is still in front of Guyana.
The country must overcome the obstacles that prevent law and order from establishing itself and helping raise its profile internationally. Guyana’s strength has always come from the way its people treat one another with respect and decency. It is preferable to urge our leaders to collaborate fairly and equitably now that they have the chance to participate equally in the country’s wealth.