Ambassador Michael E. Brotherson, Consul General. Consulate General of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, New York on the observance of the Fifty-Seventh Anniversary of Independence of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana
I am happy to extend greetings to our Guyanese Diaspora as we observe Guyana’s Fifty-Seventh Independence Anniversary.
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As we celebrate our independence this year, I must first take some time to reflect on the sad and tragic incident that took place today, Monday May 22, 2023, that ensued in the loss of lives and injury to the students of the Madhia Secondary School. Even though the full details are still emerging at this time, the focus of the His Excellency, President Mohamed lrfaan Ali and his entire Government is on the affected children and their families to ensure that everything is being done to provide them with the best possible care and assistance needed. It is indeed a sad time in our country. The people of Guyana unreservedly and collectively mourn the loss of our children’s lives.
In this 57th year of our independence, I must also reiterate our Government’s commitment to democratic values such as good governance and respect for human rights and freedoms. These are the pillars which shape our country’s comprehensive policy agenda to ensure we accomplish impartial development through the equitable distribution of our resources. President Ali’s ‘One Guyana’ vision is about promoting greater inclusion at the legislative, political and social levels. The Diaspora support is key in the promotion and success of the President’s vision.
Independence is a time when we reflect as Guyanese on the hard work of our forefathers in acquiring the freedoms we enjoy today. It is a truly a blessing for our country as we continue to strive for betterment for ourselves, our families and the nation as a whole. I, therefore, implore you to get involved in every way possible towards the development of our country.
Happy 57th Independence Anniversary Guyana!

Guyana Independence Day Message from Senator Roxanne J Persaud
I am pleased to commemorate the 57th Anniversary of Guyana’s Independence. Her citizens, ex-patriates, and others have persevered and inspired the world around them through all of the struggles. Happy Independence to all Guyanese! Let us continue to strive to live by our Motto, “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”

Patricia Jordon-Langford, President, Guyana Tri-State Alliance, Inc
Democracy is the pillar of Guyana’s development, and this effort is paramount to the success for all Guyanese as our Nation move forward into sometimes unchartered waters, however, Guyana is now at the cusp of being a Global and regional Leader so we must ensure that each Guyanese plays their part responsibly at all times in the prosperity of Guyana. This Phase of Guyana’s History is exciting, there will be miss steps, but immediate corrective action is a must that will answer the question of inclusiveness. Guyanese in Unity are all stakeholders and must ensure that the legacy we will leave behind will be one of Unity and togetherness, a proud and successful people moving onwards as one sharing and working towards this effort, this fight is a perpetual one
What do the people of Guyana want at this critical time in our History? In 1966, 57 years ago, as Guyana Raised the Flag, Our Golden Arrowhead, signifying our Independence, and freedom, Guyanese and our Heroes of that era who fought vigorously so that Guyana, and Guyanese will have autonomy over their lives, the answer was/is freedom, positive change, progress and Unity. That was centrally the struggle and sacrifice against the colonial shackles. Guyanese, do not now shackle your Spirit, but let freedom become you.
Happy Guyana 57th Independence Day