Among the topics covered at the Regional Security System (RSS) Council of Ministers Meeting on Wednesday held in Grenada, the problem of illegal firearms crossing borders of Caribbean nations and the violence that results from this problem was included. It was stressed to Member States that in order to address the issue of illegal firearms, corruption must also be addressed.
While the Region has been fairly quiet in terms of Member States not being affected by climatic events or severe weather systems over the prior year, Executive Director-RSS Commodore Errington Shurland stated there has been a conspicuous increase in gun violence, which has had a negative impact on some Member States.
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According to Commodore Shurland, this violence is having a significant negative impact on society in terms of physical and psychological damage in addition to the death toll.
He suggests that a whole-society strategy should be used to implement both hard and soft remedies in response to this problem.
With the use of social development programs that regularly target disturbed adolescents and programs that address issues associated with recidivism, soft via constant positive messages to young people.
He claims that in order to implement the required infrastructure to safeguard borders, stop the entry of weapons, and address corruption concerns, one must be willing to take harsh decisions.
“I say corruption because I believe the only way these guns can get into our countries is through our borders and through individuals who facilitate such actions.”
According to Commodore Shurland, the RSS is eager to work with Member States to use the Regional Crime Observatory to diagnose their security and criminal justice issues.
Through thorough analyses and modifications to the coordinated response model, the RSS will continue to execute and support anti-corruption programs as well as support and strengthen the border security system.
Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent, and the Grenadines are some of the countries that belong to the RSS.