Winston Wellington, Chairman of the Negril Education Environment Trust (NEET), received a citation from the Mayor of New York City on his 83rd birthday.
This prestigious recognition is a true testament to his remarkable contributions throughout his life. Yhis dedication to the state of New York and his unwavering commitment to humanitarian efforts in Jamaica, and the positive impact he’s made on the lives of countless children and their families through your exceptional educational programs are all truly inspiring.
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NEET launched in 2003 by entrepreneur Winston Wellington who witnessed what the lack of access to educational resources was doing to his home country, Jamaica. Starting in the garage of his New York home, Wellington would collect book and computer donations from friends and neighbors and ship them to Jamaica through our friends at Dennis Shipping, who graciously ship our books and computers free of cost. Since then we’ve built 17 libraries around the country and provided books and computers for each.
NEET is committed to strengthening the social fabric of Jamaica through programs that expand educational access for children and adults, partnerships that address our public and environmental health, and events and activities that celebrate Jamaica’s rich heritage.